Goldenseal magazine has published some of the best articles ever written on this historic period. Authors Lon Savage, Lois McLean, Topper Sherwood and others write of the larger-than-life figures – Sid Hatfield, Mother Jones, Bill Blizzard, C.E. Lively, Don Chafin and more – who populated this colorful era. Their stories take us from the governor’s office in Charleston to the barricades and machine gun nests of Paint Creek and Cabin Creek, the bullet-riddled tents of Holly Grove and Lick Creek, and the bloody steps of the McDowell County courthouse. Eyewitnesses from both sides recall the days when gunfire echoed along the New River and Tug Fork and when men fell dead by the railroad tracks at Matewan.
The Goldenseal Book of the Mine Wars reprints 17 articles originally published from 1977 to 1991, including dozens of historic photos. This large-format, 109-page paperbound book sells here for $12.95 plus $2 per copy postage and handling. West Virginia residents please add 6% state sales tax (total $15.73 per book including tax and shipping). You can order using your credit card at our Online Shop (due to online ordering via credit card the price from the online store will vary slightly), or make your check or money order payable to Goldenseal and mail to:
The Culture Center
1900 Kanawha Blvd. East
Charleston WV 25305-0300
You can also telephone an order in using a Visa or Mastercard! Contact Joseph V. Aluise at 304-558-0220 extension 134.