West Virginia Department of Arts, Culture & History

West Virginia State Museum to introduce monthly Sesquicentennial Mondays program on March 7


The West Virginia Division of Culture and History will introduce a new monthly program, “Sesquicentennial Mondays,” which marks the 150th anniversary of key events in the Civil War and West Virginia’s statehood on Monday, March 7, at the Culture Center, State Capitol Complex in Charleston. The programs will take place on the first Monday of every month in the West Virginia State Museum, which is closed on Mondays the rest of the month. “Sesquicentennial Mondays” programming is suitable for all ages and is free and open to the public.

On March 7, Jim Mitchell, museum curator, will have Lincoln-related artifacts from the state collection on display from 10 – 11 a.m. One of the objects that can be seen will be a commemorative medal made for the Grand Army of the Republic in 1909 to celebrate Lincoln’s 100th birthday. Mitchell will discuss the time period and answer questions about the artifact.

At 12: 15 p.m., historian Stan Bumgardner of Charleston will discuss, as Lincoln’s Secretary of State William Steward asserted, whether the Civil War truly was an “irrepressible conflict.” He also will examine the reaction of western Virginia, soon to become West Virginia, to these turbulent times.

Wrapping up the day’s special program, visitors can see archival documents and records in the West Virginia State Archives Library from 1:30 – 2:30 p.m. Participants can see various documents including a letter signed by Lincoln, and a telegram announcing Lincoln’s death.

For more information about “Sesquicentennial Mondays,” contact Nancy Herholdt, museum education manager for the Division, at (304) 558-0220.

The West Virginia Division of Culture and History is an agency within the West Virginia Department of Education and the Arts with Kay Goodwin, Cabinet Secretary. The Division, led by Commissioner Randall Reid-Smith, brings together the past, present and future through programs and services focusing on archives and history, arts, historic preservation and museums. For more information about the Division’s programs, events and sites, visit www.wvculture.org. The Division of Culture and History is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer.



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